Parade safety tips are important reminders that can help you enjoy your parade experience to the fullest. Do you remember watching or even marching in a parade as a child? The excitement that surrounds parade fun is something the entire family can enjoy. No matter what age you are, parades are a great outing if you are looking for some fun.

But, parents need to pay particular attention to their children with all the action that takes place during a parade. That’s why we’ve collected these parade safety tips to ease the parent’s anxiety while making sure your little ones are safe. When you take these extra steps to ensure safety, going to parades with the family can truly be an enjoyable and memorable event.

Top Parade Safety Tips for Families

While there are safety tips for just about any event, these parade safety tips are on the must-follow list for family safety.

  1. Keep the family behind any barricades. If there are barricades set up at the parade you are attending, they are there for a reason. It has been identified by a safety officer in authority that the barricades are necessary for crowd and participant safety. Talk to children about the importance of remaining behind the barricades. Another important parade safety tip is to make sure no one is leaning on or knocking barricades over. These actions can result in injuries themselves.
  2. Identify designated lost and found areas. Before you head out to the parade, research if there are any designated areas where lost children are brought to meet their families. Point out any police or safety officers to your kids as you make your way to your parade viewing spot. If there are no special designated areas identified by the parade professionals, designate your own area where kids can meet you if you get separated.
  3. Practice nighttime safety. Another one of the most popular parade safety tips is to be sure you are lit up if the parade is at night. Consider purchasing glow sticks or flashlights. Having a light to carry or wear around the next can help ensure your kids are seen at night and avoid a potential accident from lack of vision due to the dark.
  4. Stay charged. Before leaving your house, make sure everyone has charged their phones. If older children have phones, make sure they bring them with them in case of an emergency.
  5. Plan a buddy system. If you are going to the parade with a large group of people, or you have a large family, set up a buddy check before you leave. Pair off members of the family in groups of two. Make sure there is always an older person with the youngest children. Let family members know that they must stay with their buddy and not separate for any reason.

The most important part of parades is creating memories and enjoying family fun. Talk to your children about the potential hazards and emergencies that may arise and go over your parade safety tips before it’s time for the event. When everyone is prepared and alert, a safe time means you’ll have plenty of room for family parade fun.