It is easy to think of first aid as something that only paramedics should be concerned with. That is not the case though because like you are about to find out, learn first aid training is vital for both paramedics and non-paramedics. At the end of the day, life is precious to everyone. Having a skill or two that can help you save a life and prevent death should, therefore, be taken seriously. In other words, everyone should endeavor or at the very least consider enrolling for a first aid training course. Only then can one be able to use his or her first aid skills to save a life in any of the following instances or if you may, places.

At work

Mention first aid at the workplace and the first thing one is likely to think of is occupational safety. That is obvious but then again, first aid at any workplace goes beyond instances where occupational safety measures fail. It could be a fire at the workplace whose source or cause is unknown. It could also be a situation where a colleague suffers a cardiac arrest or even a respiratory arrest. Either way, basic first aid skills can come in handy and help you save your colleague’s life.

At home

Accidents happen at home all the time. It gets worse where one has hyperactive children. There is always the risk of fire, fractures, and bleeding from cuts. Of course, such setbacks normally happen where one leaves children to play unsupervised. But accidents are accidents because they happen when one least expects. So be prepared and equipped with the right first aid skills whether or not you allow your children to play unsupervised. Learn a thing or two about how to stop bleeding, what it takes to calm a traumatized child, and what to do in the unfortunate event of a burn.

At school

Again, this has a lot to do with children. learn first aid training on how to stop bleeding, how to wrap a wound, and how to deal with fractures can come in handy. With that in mind, encourage your students if you are a teacher to enroll in basic and advanced first aid training. Be sure too, to have a well-equipped first aid kit in the classroom. To keep your students interested in first aid, organize for fun and interactive safety training classes at least once every month.

At sporting events

Injuries are always common in sports. That explains why paramedics are always present in most, if not all sporting events. This does not mean though that learning first aid as a sportsperson is not important. You may at some point be faced with a situation that calls for application for your first aid skills on the field before a paramedic can come to the rescue. To learn how to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and how to position a motionless or unconscious teammate with a fracture. Be keen on these skills if you play extreme sports like rugby, football, or ice hockey.